The Assembled design approach is a human-centered approach to crafting thoughtful, insight-driven design solutions. The build environment is a human environment, it has to work for people.



  • interior design
  • architecture design
  • project authorization
  • design consultancy and strategy
  • on site design consultancy

assemble [ uh-sem-buhl ]

verb (used with object), as·sem·bled, as·sem·bling.

1. To bring tegether into one place, space, company, body or whole.

2. To put or fit together elements; put together the parts of [...].

3. To come together; gather; meet.

The Assembled design approach is a human-centered approach to crafting thoughtful, insight-driven design solutions. The build environment is a human environment, it has to work for people.


  • interior design
  • architecture design
  • project authorization
  • design consultancy and strategy
  • on site design consultancy




  • interior design
  • architecture design
  • project authorization
  • design consultancy and strategy
  • on site design consultancy